Sunday, October 24, 2004

Kid Language

You’ve all heard little kids mangle the word spaghetti. Pasghetti is
Isaac’s pronunciation of choice these days. He has now come up with a
great one for Lasagna that I’ve never heard before, but I think I like
it, “bizagna.”

Friday, October 15, 2004

Bryan Loses His Job (sort of),

This week the lab within HP’s Personal Inkjet Printing division that I
work for was pretty much dissolved. We all have about a year to
finish what we are currently working on, and to try and find a new
job. They are encouraging us to find another job within HP. I have
until October 31, 2005 before I have to officially “exit” HP. I’m
very hopeful of finding another job here at HP Vancouver within that
time because the Business Inkjet Printing division is currently
looking for a few good engineers. I’ll keep you posted on what
happens with my career.

Posted by Bryan on October 17, 2004