Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Bryan Gets a Job!

Two items of good news this day after the election… The other one
is that I got a job! It’s in the business inkjet division which is at
the same HP site in Vancouver that I work at now, just a different
building. I’ll be working on firmware for a big new inkjet project.
Firmware is nothing more than software that runs on the printer
instead of on a normal desktop computer. A little trickier to design
than normal software, but that makes it all the more fun. We are
excited and very relieved.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Kid Language

You’ve all heard little kids mangle the word spaghetti. Pasghetti is
Isaac’s pronunciation of choice these days. He has now come up with a
great one for Lasagna that I’ve never heard before, but I think I like
it, “bizagna.”

Friday, October 15, 2004

Bryan Loses His Job (sort of),

This week the lab within HP’s Personal Inkjet Printing division that I
work for was pretty much dissolved. We all have about a year to
finish what we are currently working on, and to try and find a new
job. They are encouraging us to find another job within HP. I have
until October 31, 2005 before I have to officially “exit” HP. I’m
very hopeful of finding another job here at HP Vancouver within that
time because the Business Inkjet Printing division is currently
looking for a few good engineers. I’ll keep you posted on what
happens with my career.

Posted by Bryan on October 17, 2004

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Isaac is now four years old!

OK, so I’m a week late posting this, but Ily’s mom, Dagmar, came for
the week and took a ton of pictures. We had to narrow them down
before I put them on the web. But they are here

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Camping at Battle Ground Lake

We went camping with the Lowders at Battle Ground Lake State Park. We
had some good dutch oven dinner and dessert, played in the sand on the lake shore, and went for a little hike. The kids were great and we
all had fun. We managed to remember to take a few pictures

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Updated Main Page

I finally got tired of seeing a picture of Isaac when he was 4
months old under the words “New Murdock Family website” here. I mean,
his little brother, Micah, is older than that now. So this is the
beginnings of an updated family web page. Isn’t it great how these
websites are always “under construction?” Stay tuned for further work
on this one.

Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Lots of missed news

You may have noticed, but nothing on this website has been updated in
a long time, except the pictures. I’ve gotten
busy with my neighborhood
, being
, and the new baby. I
think it’s probably time for a revamping of the web-site, or to just
get rid of everything but the pictures.